Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bat Mitzvah Jewelry

A wonderful way to celebrate a Jewish girl's coming of age is by giving her Bat Mitzvah Jewelry as a gift. This gift will be very meaningful for her as she enters Jewish womanhood.

Jewish girls come of age when they turn twelve years old. Where do we learn this from? The Mishnah (Jewish oral law) states in tractate Niddah (5:6) that "a girl of twelve years and one day – her vows are binding". The Rambam expounds on this point saying that "a girl of twelve years and a boy of thirteen years… are considered adults for all Mitzvot". This means that a Bat Mitzvah girl is obliged to fulfill all Torah commandments that are for women.

On their twelfth birthday, Jewish girls need to know that with their celebration comes responsibility. Not only responsibility to care for their new Bat Mitzvah Jewelry (so that it doesn't break or get lost), but also to be an active member of the Jewish nation.

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