Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lion of Judah Ring

The Lion of Judah is a well known and very popular symbol. Where does it come from? It comes from the biblical blessing that Jakob (Yaakov) gave his sons before he died. To Judah, Jakob said: "…You are a Lion's cub Judah… Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness--who dares to rouse him?" (genesis 49:9)

Ever since then, throughout history, the lion has been not only a symbol of the tribe of Judah and of extraordinary bravery, but also a symbol of leadership. Judah was the one to intervene on behalf of Benjamin in Egypt, Judah was the tribe who led the Israelites in the desert, and Judah was the tribe of King David and the tribe of the Messiah that has yet to come.

Many artists have used this lion as an artistic motif, and an inspiration for their woks of art. Our jewelers have done so too and created the above Lion of Judah 14K Gold Ring. This only one of the rings we have in our Judaica Gifts selection for you to choose from. Come visit us and pick the one that's perfect for you!

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