Monday, February 11, 2019

Is Valentine's Day Kosher?

Do Jews celebrate Valentine's Day?

Considering the full title of the day is Saint Valentine's Day, asking whether or not Jews celebrate it is a valid question. But is it really a Christian holiday? Would that matter anyway?
In general, to understand the "kosherness" (if you will) of Jewish participation in a non-Jewish or secular holiday, we look to the factual history of the day. Should the origins lie in forms of idolatry or anti-Semitism it would certainly not be apt for Jews to participate.
Luckily the research has been done for us, so let's dive right into the origins of the day.

Who was St. Valentine? 

Valentine's Day was first instituted by the Catholic Pope over 1500 years ago. It was established as a day to commemorate the martyrdom of St. Valentine. But who was this St. Valentine? Without any historical verification, there is only an ancient legend about a priest named Valentine, who was killed by the Roman Emperor Claudius (before it became the "Holy" Roman Empire) for practicing his faith. (Sound familiar?)
While this legend sounds compelling as the origin for Valentine's Day, we're forced to admit that this certainly does not explain the day's themes of love and romance.
Another theory for the true origin of the day, is that it was a Christian appropriation of an ancient Pagan fertility festival, reinvented as a Christian holiday to encourage conversions (
While this origin story does make sense with the themes of the day (love, fertility), it was, however, entirely debunked by literary scholars in the 20th century.
With virtually no historical evidence for the day, even the Catholic Church conceded to remove Valentine's Day from the church's calendar in 1969, cutting the holiday's last ties with Christianity and officially dropping the "Saint" from the title.
Without the Christian association, what we're left with is a secular holiday celebrating love. What could be the problem?

Is it Kosher?

There have been many Jewish responsa written in answer to the question of Jews celebrating non-Jewish holidays. However, the most relevant comes from the Rema (R' Moses Isserles, Poland, 1520-1572). The Rema posits that if the practice is beneficial and logical, not done just out of religious decree, and widely followed independent of religious practice, then it is permissible to partake - as long as it is consistent with the Jewish faith (Elan Gilad,
So, does Valentine's Day meet the criteria for Jewish participation?
It would definitely seem so.
Sending cards and giving chocolate and gifts are all beneficial practices with a logical basis. They are certainly not done out of a religious decree, as even the Catholic Church has cut all ties with the holiday. Furthermore, acts of love and kindness are part and parcel of the Jewish faith and value system.
With all this in mind, it would seem that Valentine's Day is not only kosher, but perhaps admirable?
For those still not convinced, there is always the Jewish "Valentine's Day": Tu B'Av. Rooted in the Talmud as an ancient day of matchmaking, the 15th day of the Jewish month of Av has experience something of a revival in modern Israel as a day celebrating love.
Whichever day you choose to celebrate, jewelry always makes the perfect gift. ;)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Significance of Jewelry in Jewish History

Jewelry has a significant place in the Torah (Jewish Bible) and in Jewish history, so in essence, purchasing Jewish jewelry for family and loved ones is actually part of a long Jewish tradition. Throughout Jewish scripture, jewelry is used to depict the favor of God toward his people. This is never as clearly illustrated as during the exodus from Egypt following the first Passover (Redemption from Egypt).

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Star of David throughout history

Today the Star of David is inextricably linked with the Jewish people. The six point star is a globally accepted symbol of Judaism, the Jewish people, and Israel, the Jewish nation. However, this wasn't always the case.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Why Giving Loved Ones Name Jewelry is a Great Idea?

A sample name pendant
Silver and Gold name pendant
It is a great idea to give gifts to loved ones and friends, well that is if your means allows for you to do so. Also if you can afford to treat people, it is a great gesture of love, respect and gratitude to show your family and friends that you care about your relationships with them. Not forgetting that it helps them to keep you in mind.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Restoring Roman Glass Jewelry

A vacation is a wonderful time to pamper yourself – and/or your spouse – with a special and spectacular gift. How about Roman glass jewelry? It definitely makes a statement and will be a great reminder of that fabulous vacation you took together.

But what about caring for this delicate jewelry? We were recently contacted by Jane - a woman in quite desperate need for help. "I bought a Roman glass pendant on a cruise ship," she told us, "Somehow the color of the glass changed to an ugly shade. Is there a way to clean Roman glass jewelry, or is there a way to repair it?"

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Baltinester's and the Light Rail

After years of planning, digging, building, and a whole lot of waiting – the light rail has finally come to Jerusalem. It passed right outside our Baltinester window!

If you've come to look for Jewish jewelry, Star of David pendants, or name necklaces at our store some time in the past four years or so, surely you've seen the mess. The main roads of Jerusalem have been dug up just about all over the city. Lanes moving from here to there, dust just about everywhere, pot holes --- I think we've said enough – you get the picture…

Monday, July 5, 2010

Handmade Gold Bracelets

Here is an idea for a great gift: pick one of our Handmade Gold Bracelets next time you need a present for, well, just about any special woman in your life.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Silver Name Pendants

You are looking for an unusual gift that is fairly priced, a gift that has added value on the one hand but that can be can personalized for that special recipient on the other hand. If this is what you have been searching for then Silver Name Pendants are a great choice for you.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Bat Mitzvah Jewelry

As the end of the school year draws near, quite a few Jewish girls of 11 years old are feeling kind of left out. Most of their classmates have already celebrated their Bat Mitzvahs and have received plenty of presents and Bat Mitzvah Jewelry. So why are these girls feeling so excluded?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Ancient Coin Jewelry

Have you been wracking your brain trying to find a special gift for a special someone? Are you feeling like you have exhausted every single possibility you could think of? Looking for something unique but can't find it in the sea of gifts available today? We have the perfect solution for you: buy a piece of Ancient Coin Jewelry as a gift.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Lion of Judah Ring

The Lion of Judah is a well known and very popular symbol. Where does it come from? It comes from the biblical blessing that Jakob (Yaakov) gave his sons before he died. To Judah, Jakob said: "…You are a Lion's cub Judah… Like a lion he crouches and lies down, like a lioness--who dares to rouse him?" (genesis 49:9)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jewish Wedding Rings

Any Jewish couple getting married looks for the most perfect Jewish Wedding Rings for them to wear for the rest of their lives. Whether they go for the plain gold bands or the more ornate intricate rings – the most important thing is that the rings be a physical representation of their relationship and express love and devotion to one another.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bat Mitzvah Jewelry

A wonderful way to celebrate a Jewish girl's coming of age is by giving her Bat Mitzvah Jewelry as a gift. This gift will be very meaningful for her as she enters Jewish womanhood.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Roman Glass Jewelry

When you wear a piece of dazzling Roman glass Jewelry you're not only wearing a piece of colorful jewelry, you are also wearing a piece of history. This piece of history tells quite an amazing story, all you have to do is look deeply into the glass, take in the stunning colors and imagine...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Name Jewelry

Shopping for gifts is always a challenge. You want to buy something stylish yet becoming, original and attractive. Most of all you want to be able to buy an appropriate present without much fuss and headache. If this is the case, we have the best idea for you: order an item out of our Name Jewelry selection.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Roman Glass Jewelry

If you have ever come across a piece of Roman Glass Jewelry, you know what a striking impression it makes. The aqua-colored glass, sometimes almost clear, together with flickering shades of pink and gold, is an absolutely enchanting site to see. There is something about this glass that is like nothing else.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Jewish Wedding Rings

Have you ever ordered a bagel and debated what topping you wanted on it? Often there are so many options to choose from, so you decide to go for the "everything" bagel. Similarly, if you are looking through our selection of Jewish Wedding Rings and can't decide which one to choose, go for the "everything" ring: our 18K Yellow and White Gold Diamond Ani L'dodi Ring.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

14k Gold Masada Coin Pendant

When looking for a gift for that special someone in your life, you may find that a gift that has extra special meaning is the best choice. Because of this exact reason our authentic Masada coin, set in a 14k Gold Masada Coin Pendant makes such a great present. It's really a wonderful piece of Ancient Coin Jewelry.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Gold Wedding Rings

If you think that gold wedding rings can't get better - think again. A fresh new and amazing collection can now be found at the Baltinester Jewelry website. As always, these rings are top quality, handcrafted only by Israel's top leading jewelry artists. But what is superb about these rings is of course their beautiful designs.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Handcrafted Gold Wedding Rings

Beautiful handcrafted gold wedding rings are always in need. The old saying says that no matter what happens in this world, two things will never change – there will always be people who are dying and people who are getting married. And nothing symbolizes a wedding more than those gorgeous rings.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Jerusalem Jewelry

Jerusalem jewelry is one of my personal favorites when it comes to Jewish jewelry. When I look at such a piece, I don't only see beautiful and unique jewelry pieces; what I see is the deeper meaning of wearing Jerusalem.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Talit Clips

Do you know that feeling when you're praying on Shabbat, and in the middle of the synagogue your talit (prayer shawl) falls off? That's the exact reason why you need talit clips.

These items are not only beautiful; they're extremely practical as well. Placing them on your talit will guarantee you can concentrate on your praying like you're meant to do.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Gold Name Pendants

Gold name pendants are a great form of gold name jewelry today. The wide range of designs and shapes is enormous. You can find pendants with Jewish motifs such as Star of David, Hai, Kotel (Western Wall), Jerusalem, Mezuzah and more. What's amazing about these name Jewish pendants is that aside from being beautiful, they are full of meaning as well. In Judaism, the name of an individual is very important and has an effect on his life.

Silver Kiddush Cups

Silver Kiddush cups have always been a famous trademark for Jewish life. Many Jewish people who are non observant still maintain this long lasting tradition of sanctifying the Sabbath and holidays. In many families there are ancient cups passed on from generation to generation, silently telling the story of the Jewish people.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Gold Name Bracelets

Gold name bracelets like other gold name jewelry are very much in demand throughout the year. Because a person's name is their essence, is who they are, there is no greater joy than seeing it on a fantastic piece of jewelry.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Jewish Wedding Rings

In recent years, Jewish wedding rings have become a household phrase. Yet do you really know what the difference is between these rings and regular wedding rings?

At Baltinester Jewelry we offer many designs of beautiful handmade wedding rings such as these. The most famous kind is the Ani L'Dodi rings, which are amazing rings engraved with a verse from the bible which speaks of love.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Diamond Jewish Wedding Rings

gold wedding rings and Jewish weddings rings are often adorned with sparkling diamonds. Yet apart from the beauty of the ring, it is extremely important to know where the diamond has come from. Blood diamonds is not just a name of a movie. It is a fact that not everyone is comfortable with. The source of diamonds today can be from several places. The most famous one is known as the "African diamond", also known as the "blood diamonds" or "conflict diamonds".

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bar Mitzvah Jewelry

Giving Bar Mitzvah jewelry to a thirteen year old young boy celebrating his Bar Mitzvah is becoming more and more popular. If once it was normal to give Judaica books, today, many other options are available.

Perhaps one of the most fitting gift is a pair of tallit clips. As many Jews are accustomed to give a boy his first talit at his Bar Mitzvah, the tallit clips are extremely necessary. Today, many stores offer wonderful personalized clips, which make this gift even more amazing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Handmade Silver Bracelets

The variety of handmade silver bracelets today is great. So how do you choose which bracelet to buy? Apart from personal taste which obviously is the most important factor, there are other components which one should take into consideration, such as the lock of the bracelet, the weight of the bracelet and the strength of the links which make up the bracelet.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gold Wedding Rings

When referring to gold wedding rings, the Jewish tradition states that the groom should sanctify the bride with a simple round ring, bought with his own money. When acquiring the ring two witnesses should be present with the future husband, confirming that the wedding ring was bought only with the husband's money and it was paid in full.

Jewish wedding rings should be made of one material (yellow or white gold or silver) without mixing materials. In addition, it should be clean of any precious stones or diamonds. According to the Jewish sources, the reason for this is so the bride will not be stunned by the beauty of the ring, making its beauty the main issue. Rather, the main objective should always be the act of the marriage.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Roman Glass Earrings

The Baltinester bros’ proud to present a new collection of Roman glass Earrings and other jewelry such as Pendants, Necklaces ,etc.

The new verity has an unusual new and refreshing look which is a fine adornment for any occasion.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Star of David Pendants

Among the various Jewish pendants available today, the Star of David pendants are definitely of the more popular kind. Almost every Jewish person of my acquaintance owns at least one of these fantastic pieces of jewelry. Have you ever wondered what makes them so unique?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bat Mitzvah Jewelry

Let's be honest. For a Jewish girl reaching her twelfth year, the most exciting thing is the Bat Mitzvah jewelry she will receive. I know, people are probably thinking that the meaning of the day is most important, the entrance into the adult Jewish world, the acceptance of the commandments. This is all very true but very far from reality for many young girls.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Mezuzah Pendants

Mezuzah pendants are a great form of Jewish jewelry, yet not everyone knows what the meaning of the mezuzah actually is.

A Mezuzah is one of the most known Jewish commandment. It can usually be found on every Jewish doorpost, designated to guard ones home. This following the word of G-d who commanded the Jewish people to hang a parchment with two paragraphs of the bible written by a qualified Jewish scribe.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Hamsa Pendants

A part of the growing trend of spirituality is the reborn interest in kabalistic symbols such as the Hamsa. This amulet, although often seen as decorative plaques on the walls, is most popular in the form of hamsa pendants.

The hamsa is an amulet which is believed to have protecting powers over the person who wears it or hangs it in his home against all evil, in particular against the evil eye.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Jewish Jewelry

The magnificence and glory of the Jewish world brings artists and designers to be drawn to the deep mysterious world of Judaism. Jewish designers have aspired to successfully combine traditional religious motifs with modern art while adding elements from their own imagination. This unique mix of elements has led to the growing popularity of Jewish jewelry all over the world.

So what makes the Jewish Jewelry so magnificent?